Growth spurts, age, and nighttime sleep

Growth spurts, age, and nighttime sleep

Baby Groth Spurts

At the 10-week mark, your baby is likely developing adorably chubby arms and legs. If they haven’t outgrown their newborn outfits yet, they will soon. You might also need to adjust the straps on car seats, swings, and bouncers to ensure that you’re keeping up with a bigger, taller baby.

Your baby can go through periods of increased hunger and fussiness. This increase in hunger means your baby is going through a period of fast growth (a growth spurt). If you breastfeed, you might find your baby wants to eat more often (sometimes every hour!) during certain times of the day.

Infants under 6 months old can usually sleep anywhere from three to eight hours at night, depending on age and stage. And babies between 4 and 6 months old are developmentally able to sleep through the night without a feeding, as long as they are eating enough during the day and having adequate weight gain, but whether they do is another story.

Bedtime in newborns is naturally late, usually around 9:00pm or later, but it is important to start moving the bedtime earlier around 6/8 weeks. By 2 months, baby’s last nap should be ending by 6:30pm. Bedtime should be around 6:30-8:00pm and should occur about 11/2-2 hours after the last nap ends.

When do babies sleep from 7pm to 7am?
Usually around 4 months old

Your baby will usually be able to sleep through from 7pm to 7am at around 4 months old, weighing around 15-16lb, and you can drop the feeds altogether at night as long as they are taking in 28-32oz during the day and having consistent weight gain, approx., 2 pounds a month.

Many, though not all, babies are able to make it through the night without food at 4 months. By 6 months, almost all healthy babies are physically and neurologically able to go 12 hours without food

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