My Goals

My goal is to help families get the healthy sleep they all need and deserve. Sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity.  In my experience, due to necessity or choice, many parents are both working, so they both need adequate sleep. Also, parents that choose to stay home, work extremely hard and need healthy sleep

  I offer phone and email consults for those parents that want a specific plan tailored for their baby’s needs with some additional support.

For your convenience I try to take calls at night and on the weekend if I am available.

If you are looking for more help, I am one of the few sleep consultants that travel throughout the US and offer overnight sleep support.  I will come to your home with a specific plan made to fit the needs of you and your baby. I will work with you until 10pm, and then I put you to bed to catch up on much needed sleep. I do not use cry it out. I want parents to be rested and healthy, so they can truly enjoy this precious time with their baby and their families. I will be with you every step of the way

Pam Jones RN

I have been a registered nurse for over 25 years, specializing in mother and baby health and parent education. I have been a sleep consultant and I was the co-owner of Sweet Dreams Infant Care for the past 10 years. I am thrilled to announce the publication of our first book Raising Confident Parents (click here for your copy).

Over all of these experiences I have found that the single most lasting impact I can have on a family is to help everyone get a good nights sleep. Therefore, in 2020, I am launching Sweet Dreams Little Ones, and turning my focus to supporting sleep deprived families.

Over the years I have seen the emotional stress, physical exhaustion, and loss of confidence in good parents dealing with their infant or child’s sleep issues. There is no one size fits all solution. I do not just use cry it out. I develop a plan that is tailored to the child and the parents’ needs.

I live in Dallas, Texas, but I travel all over the United States to help families achieve healthy sleep. Sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Lack of sleep is constantly considered something that we just have to deal with, and should just push through the exhaustion. Not getting enough sleep can have long term effects on parents health, babies health, siblings temperament, parent’s relationship, postpartum depression, job performance, and a multitude of other aspects of everyday life. The best investment you can make is to provide yourself and your family with consistent, healthy sleep. Call me today and let me rescue your sleep-deprived family!

I have Received both of my covid-19 vaccines